Introducing High Impact Life and High Impact Business

high impact business high impact life high impact summit Apr 19, 2023

Hello Enterprise Stewardship Community! 


Four years ago, our Chief Steward and Founder, Pete Ochs, started formally putting down on paper the principles and practices he used to build successful businesses. He has launched ventures in technology, manufacturing, energy, and education for 40 years. The crucial foundations these businesses had in common were the principles and business practices that made them profitable and impactful for people socially and spiritually. 


Over the last year, Enterprise Stewardship has been beta-testing these offerings and our team has used this time to refine tools, field test products, and engage the business community across the country to create something that elevates business by incorporating faith and sound business practices. We are excited to officially launch our High Impact Life and High Impact Business offerings today! 

As a company, our mission at Enterprise Stewardship is to help leaders impact people, impact businesses, and impact the world. A measurable groundswell is happening in the faith and work AND business as a mission movement. But, as many Christian leaders and business owners seek to create purpose and profit, they need a proven system to help put their faith into practice. So, we created High Impact products based on proven methods and tools that Pete and his team used to turn Capital III into the flourishing organization it is: one that is generating economic, social, and spiritual capital. 


High Impact Life is a transformational leadership program helping leaders to define their purpose, embrace their God-given passions, and maximize their platform. You can read more about High Impact Life HERE


High Impact Business is a principle-driven, business operating system designed to transform your business into a catalyst for flourishing. It leads with biblical principles that will drive your leadership team and business forward to become more profitable and impactful in your calling. You can read more about High Impact Business HERE 


While it seems impossible to be more excited, we are also announcing our High Impact Summit, which will take place October 3-5, 2023 in Wichita, Kansas.  


This year's theme is Faith as a Force Multiplier, and we will focus on how integrating faith in your business builds economic, social, and spiritual capital for the glory of God. Interspersed between three inspirational speakers will be practical breakouts focused on purpose, strategy, branding/marketing, culture, customers, social/spiritual impact, cash flow, execution, and more.  


This year's High Impact Summit is more than education and focused connection. We have designed the Summit to be mission-based and experiential as we take you into the Hutchison Correctional Facility and other triple-bottom-line businesses in action. 


Due to our hands-on approach, High Impact Summit is limited to 200 participants. If you are a business owner, leader, or investor serious about stewarding your business to impact the world for Christ, come join us. If you know others who are of the same mind, invite them to join the movement.  


More info and applications can be found


Are you ready to make an impact? 

The Enterprise Stewardship Team 



High Impact LIFE & High Impact Business wants to inspire and equip leaders with a principled framework and proven tools to create economic, social, and spiritual capital-- and help you and your business flourish.


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